In addition, TWEAK, the natural ligand of TweakR, has been shown to stimulate the adhesion, migration, and invasion of cancer cell lines (Dai et al. After over night incubation, cells were stained with Calcein AM and quantified. Each experiment was performed at least two times, with one representative experiment shown. *test using SAS statistical software. Mean tumor quantities between organizations were regarded as significantly different if value of 1 1.129E?10 (Table?1). BMS-193885 Approximately 60? % of HER2-positive instances also indicated TweakR, while fewer than 25?% of HER2-bad instances stained positive for TweakR. On the contrary, no such correlation was observed between TweakR and ER manifestation. These observations are consistent with previously published data (Willis et al., 2008). Co-immunostaining of TweakR and HER2 was performed on a subset of TweakR+/HER2+? breast malignancy samples to determine whether TweakR and HER2 were expressed in the same cells within a tumor. In these samples, membranous HER2 staining clearly coincided with cytoplasmic and membranous TweakR staining in the majority of tumor cells (Fig.?1d). Table?1 Positive correlation of TweakR expression with HER2 overexpression value?=?1.129E?10) In vitro growth inhibition by enavatuzumab is enhanced upon cross-linking in all subtypes of breast malignancy cell lines Enavatuzumab is a humanized anti-TweakR antibody that exhibits potent antitumor activity in vitro and in vivo on cell lines derived from a variety of tumor types (Culp et al. 2010). To characterize further the practical activity of enavatuzumab in breast malignancy, a panel of TweakR-expressing breast malignancy cell lines was evaluated for level of sensitivity to enavatuzumab in proliferation assays in vitro. This panel included malignancy cell lines reflecting all subtypes of breast malignancy, as previously defined by their molecular profile (Finn et al. 2009; Hu et al. 2009; Hurvitz and Finn 2009; Neve et al. 2006). Manifestation of HER2 and luminal- or basal-specific markers was confirmed on the panel by circulation cytometry and/or microarray analysis (Supplemental Table S2 and S3). In general, subtype classification of the cell lines was in agreement with that reported by others. The breast malignancy cell lines were treated with enavatuzumab inside a soluble form, cross-linked in answer with a secondary antibody, or immobilized enavatuzumab. Soluble enavatuzumab significantly and reproducibly inhibited the growth of 5 of 27 cell lines by 20?%, while cross-linked or immobilized enavatuzumab experienced more BMS-193885 potent effects in a larger subset of cell lines, 13 of 27 lines and 18 of 27 cell lines exhibited 20?% growth inhibition, respectively (Table?2; Fig.?2a). Cross-linking improved both the quantity of cell lines sensitive to enavatuzumab and the potency of the antibody, as evidenced from the relative decrease in EC50 ideals of cross-linked versus soluble antibody treatment. In contrast, while immobilization significantly improved the maximal inhibition by enavatuzumab over cross-linked antibody, the EC50 improved for most cell lines when the antibody was immobilized versus cross-linked antibody (Table?2). The higher EC50 likely displays a dependence on physical proximity between adjacent immobilized antibody molecules to enable BMS-193885 cross-linking of cell surface TweakR molecules. Level of sensitivity to enavatuzumab was observed in all subtypes of breast malignancy expressing antigen yet did not appear to correlate with TweakR manifestation levels, as measured by circulation cytometry (Table?2). Table?2 Enavatuzumab inhibits breast cancer cell growth in vitro basal, luminal, HER2+ TweakR expression: fold increase of TweakR versus control Inhibition score: ? 10?%, 10C20?%, +20C50?%, ++50C75?%, +++ 75?%, not SSV tested Open in a separate window Fig.?2 Growth inhibition of breast malignancy cell lines by enavatuzumab and synergy of inhibition when combined with trastuzumab. aCd BT549 (a), HCC38 (b), MB231 variant (c), BMS-193885 and HCC70 (d) breast cancer cells were incubated with soluble.
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